Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday: Product Review- SlenderPOPs

Let us begin by reading exactly what the magic lollipop company (Sisel) is saying about their product:

"SlenderPOPs effectiveness is due to our unique, one-of-a-kind rapid weight loss slenderizing support within this spectacular breakthrough formula combined with really great tasting all natural flavors."

"Rapid effects and effective weight loss support are obtained simply by sucking on a delicious lollipop, combining its revolutionary ingredients with salivary enzymes. This simple great tasting way of getting these ingredients rapidly and effectively absorbed through the digestive system into the body sustains and supports satiety and your weight loss program throughout your active day. This delivery system combined with its enormous diuretic water fat flushing support combined with Optunia’s aggressive fat binding potential throughout the entire digestive tract is what makes SlenderPOPs so effective over other forms of weight management programs. Its simple, fun, and easy! Not to mention very tasty! What a SWEET way to lose weight!"

"SlenderPOPs Weight Loss Program:

1) Take one SlenderPOP twice daily just before a meal to support appetite suppressing and fat binding activity. Drink a glass of water before eating a SlenderPOP and a glass just after for optimal benefits.

2) Cut down on daily food consumption to reduce caloric intake and maintain a healthy 2,000 calorie per day or less diet while diligently avoiding or reducing fat in meals or fatty foods.

 3) Increase daily exercise by at least 10 to 20 minutes to add further benefits to your weight loss program. A brisk walk is all that is needed."

Let me personally apologize for the picture above. This is the official advertisement for SlenderPOPs...and little blonde crazy eyes is frightening.

I came upon a free sample of this product because I work in marketing at a fitness club and we typically get products (like this) to sample. When the SlenderPOP made it's way to my office I was totally excited. What fat girl doesn't like candy? Candy (of all things!!) that promises to make me loose weight. I had a party (for myself) in honor of this great event! I opened the pop and expected to see the above pop. A shiny sucker that looked like R.E.A.L. candy. However, the one I was holding
looked like it had been from ten Halloween's ago....I tossed it in the garbage can! Someone had given me a stale lollipop! Gross! I went back and opened another. What did I get??! ANOTHER gross looking lollipop. Come on! Don't tease a fattie with promises of slimming candy and not deliver! Tossed that one in the trash, too. A co-worker was watching and asked what on earth I was doing. I explained that all the SlenderPOPs are bad! That they must be expired or something! She quickly corrected me. They aren't old....that is just how they look.

Oh. OH.

The best way I can describe it is if a lollipop had a baby with sandpaper.

I really, really, really wanted to like this. I really expected all my slim girl dreams to come true by making my inner fat girl happy and eating this magic candy all the time!


Do you know why this lollipop will suppress your appetite? Because.... by the time you are done with it you will be so sick of having something in your mouth you will not want to eat for hours after. It took about 30 minutes to devour the whole thing....and I couldn't wait for it to be over.

I followed the directions. Drank a huge glass of water before I tried it and then drank a huge gass of water after I finished it....not only because that was the directions.....but because I couldn't stand the after taste!

I can tell you that the company states the ingredients will  "rapidly and effectively absorb through the digestive system throughout your active day. This delivery system combined with its enormous diuretic water fat flushing support combined with Optunia’s aggressive fat binding potential throughout the entire digestive tract is what makes SlenderPOPs so effective." Okay......this is right on the ball. You will have an active day...but that active day will consist of running in and out of the bathroom.

The suggested directions/diet plan that the company provides:  "Cut down on daily food consumption to reduce caloric intake and maintain a healthy 2,000 calorie per day or less diet while diligently avoiding or reducing fat in meals or fatty foods. AND Increase daily exercise by at least 10 to 20 minutes to add further benefits to your weight loss program. A brisk walk is all that is needed."

Will you loose weight by following a healthy diet and increasing your exercise? No offense.... but DUH.

Will you loose weight by consuming SlenderPops twice a day (as suggested)? I am pretty sure the frequent trips to the bathroom will increase your calorie burn.

My advice? Save the 30 calories for a real lollipop....

My personal favorite: Carmel Apple Charm Pops. In true *FAT GIRL slim* style: enjoy this 60 calorie Carmel madness while walking on the treadmill and there you have your own version of a magic weight loss lollipop!

Lesson: If it sounds to good to be true. IT IS.

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