Thursday, May 3, 2012

The FAT truth

             ALL of the women in this picture weigh 150 pounds.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Slimmed down spaghetti and meatballs!

Aghhhhhh yes.......the good Lord was thinking of ALL fat girls when he created spaghetti squash. You could not ask for a better replacement for the real thing. Now, I am a spaghetti and meatball kinda girl. Nothing will stand in my way of eating a big bowl of the real deal from my favorite Italian restaurant. Now, when I tipped the scale at 300 pounds (okay, no tipping. I was 300 pounds) I was eating pasta like it was going out of style. When I started really watching what I ate, I made the switch from regular pasta to spaghetti squash. Take a look at the nutrition facts:
25 slimming calories per 1/2 a cup. Awesome.
If I have a higher calorie lunch (say-a huge slice of pizza) I will opt to have something much lower in calories for dinner that night. HOWEVER- it still has to be filling. Who can sleep on an empty stomach? Not this girl. I try to have spaghetti squash about two times a week.  I always feel like I weigh less the next morning.

So, while you feel like you are being are actually being VERY good. So, go to the store and look for this:
You will quickly learn that eating healthier is much more expensive. Your average fat loving, carb coma inducing box of spaghetti will cost you about $1.00. Yesterday, I paid $1.49/per pound. I usually spend between five to seven dollars on a spaghetti squash (depending -of course- on where you buy it).
Stick the entire squash in your microwave for about 10 minutes or until the outer shell softens a bit. Allow time for it to cool off (a good 20 minutes) before slicing it in half and scrapping out the seeds (think pumpkin). Use a fork to pull out the stringy squash into a nice large bowl. Open a can of tomato sauce but always CHECK NUTRITION INFO!! Most canned sauces run about 60 calories per 1/2 a cup but some can go over 100 calories. Next time you shop spend some time looking at the different varieties of sauce. Try to find one that sounds good and is relatively low in calories.

Want to pair your slimmed down spaghetti with some meatballs? Check out this great recipe for low calorie/low fat meatballs:

Eat like a FATGIRL enjoy being slim.